
Showing posts from February, 2019

Wee Singdom is the Worst (Part 2 of 2)

Strap the fuck in, boys and girls. Wee Singdom has come at last. Yeeeeah, sorry for the Tuesday post. I needed extra time to write this because I assumed that I would just watch it, love it, and relay that joy to you, as per last week’s joyous romp through the same franchise. But holy fuck, Wee Singdom has desecrated my childhood. Call it overambition, call it a soulless cash-grab, whatever. But my soul is bruised that it’s so the opposite of what I remember it to be. Also, I refuse to re-write what little I already had written before actually watching it, so let’s go back in time to watch my joy fade in real time: Last week, I described the beautifully charming children’s musical movie series known as Wee Sing. And I cannot state enough how much of a presence this series has had in my life. The thing about Wee Sing’s many premises all being centered around children playing make-believe is that any real-life attempt by me and my sister to play make-believe was informed ...